During this time of re-opening, Lucci Electric wants to reinforce our commitment to safety for you and our staff.
As an essential business we will continue to be available to schedule estimates and service calls. We have now expanded to general repair work, generator installations, service and repairs, as well as exterior work including landscape lighting and design.
We have taken all steps recommended by the CDC and in accordance with local, state, and federal guidelines.
-Our technicians will wear masks, gloves, shoe coverings, and utilize hand sanitizer before and after entering all homes at all times.
-They will practice social distancing at all times and will minimize time and exposure within your home.
-Our trucks and equipment will be sanitized on a regular bases.
Before starting any job, we are glad to review the policies with you and address any concerns you may have.
We are here Monday through Friday 9-5.
Your comfort and well-being are our number 1 concern.