Electrical Grid Vulnerability

Do you take your electrical power supply for granted?

Many Americans do, but the fact is that our national electrical grid has become very vulnerable due to an aging and complex infrastructure, the threat of cyber attacks and terrorism, and ever-increasing extreme weather conditions across the country.

American homes, industries, and businesses are deeply dependent on reliable electricity, so threats to the consistent delivery of electricity put modern life itself at risk.

Electrical substations are critical links in the power grid, which make it possible for electricity to move long distances and distribute power to residences and businesses throughout the United States.  The interconnectivity of our grid, while beneficial also makes it vulnerable to natural disasters and cyber-attacks. Evidence of these attempted attacks is increasing in frequency.  While our utilities have many systems in place to thwart these attacks, it could happen.

Our aging electrical infrastructure also poses risks to our power needs. Reliability in our local areas is another factor. Isolated incidents, as well as wider spread outages are a familiar occurrence.  Being prepared for a power interruption with an automatic Generac Standby Generator or portable generator is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, especially for  those who work from home and require computer access on a daily basis. The conveniences of water and a refrigerator and the need for heat or sump pumps depending on the circumstances of the outage can be critical as well.

Storms and natural disasters have caused hardships due to lost power for hours, days or weeks at a time. But a cyber or physical attack on our electrical infrastructure could be much longer.

We highly recommend that all households have a personal disaster recovery plan.  A generator should be an integral part of this plan. Loss of power effects communications, emergency dispatch, fuel and transportation, security, banking, medical facilities and medications, as well as food and water.

If you don’t have an Automatic Standby Generator, or an ongoing service contract on your present generator, we urge you to be prepared and talk to Lucci Electric about the alternatives. We can provide a range of solutions that will insure that you and your family have ample power should the grid be compromised.

Outdoor Lighting Installations

Outdoor Lighting Installation:

Warmer days and nights entice us to spend more time outdoors. As you begin to plan landscaping or where to place your outdoor furniture, don’t forget that outdoor lighting design and installation can transform your outdoor space into a beautiful extension of your home. And completely enhance all the other things you do to make your outdoor space enjoyable.

Lucci Electric can design a custom plan for you to bring your outdoors living area to life by making your outdoor lighting magical. From path lighting to up lighting or accent lighting as well as flood lighting, we have the ideas and solutions to illuminate your property and home and truly make your outdoor experience special as well as bringing you peace of mind.

We consider several elements when developing a plan for outdoor lighting installations, including safety (on pathways), security, and pure aesthetics (lighting a beautiful garden, wall, patio or tree).

When planning your outdoor and landscape lighting, we encourage you to think in threes: light something close to the house, something midrange in the yard, and something afar.  This creates interesting focal points when viewed from the house or the street at night. One overlooked benefit of outdoor lighting is that it minimizes the reflection of glass surfaces viewed from inside the house at night. If you install an outside fixture just outside a door, you will be looking beyond the glass reflection.

We also develop our plans with the philosophy that less is more and avoid the mistake of using too much light outdoors. People often think more is better, brighter is better, but outside wherever you create a super bright area you’ve also created super dark areas, and that can be unsafe. It’s better to have low levels of lighting all around. The front door is one of the few outdoor areas where a brighter light is acceptable, with a traditional lighting plan calling for two wall-mounted fixtures flanking the door.

Ask yourself what your purposes are for wanting illumination in your yard. You may wish to set a mood during the evening hours. Maybe you have a bench or a shadowy garden corner you need to illuminate for security reasons. A path leading through the garden may require landscape lighting to mark its boundaries.   Add outdoor lighting, and your outdoor space is immediately transformed into usable space. You might want to highlight some features of your backyard like a water fountain or pond. Flood lights provide security and illumination.

Since paths and areas are on the ground, it makes sense that all path and area lights project downward. And, most of them have some kind of shade or glare guard to prevent the light from shining into people’s eyes. High quality fixtures may be constructed out of brass or copper. Brass and copper have the advantage of better weathering the environment and offer a nice patina after installation.

Our expertise in vision, design and implementation can help you to expand your space with outdoor lighting installation and create a beautiful and safe area that you will enjoy and be proud of.